During the INDEPTH workshop on bioinformatics, gene overexpression, and protein purification, a young team of our collaborators from the University of Warsaw had the opportunity to get insight into in-house protocols used for gene overexpression based on T7 system as well as to gain knowledge on basic protein purification techniques with a particular focus on immobilized metal affinity chromatography.
The way from gene to protein is complex and highly controlled within the bacterial cell. It consists of three primary steps: gene expression, translation, and protein folding. Each step relies on specialized proteins coordinating multi-step tasks with precision and accuracy.

In return, Warsaw colleagues gave an introductory bioinformatics
course focusing on the INDEPTH biodiscovery pipeline. It was also
an opportunity to learn how to use tools like Artemis for prophage
detection and analysis, MAISEN for genome annotation, and KBase platform
for genomic analysis.